Desert Museum

  • Musée du désert
  • Musée du désert
  • Musée du désert
  • Musée du désert
Musée du désertMusée du désertMusée du désertMusée du désert


The Desert, a strange name for a museum! You will know the meaning by visiting this unique place in the Cevennes. More than 3000 rare objects, weapons, maps, paintings and books are exposed, witnesses of the resistance of the Protestants during the War of the Camisards.
Located in the heart of a Cévennes hamlet, in the house where the Camisard leader Pierre Laporte, known as Rolland, was born, the Musée du Désert aims to bring to life the Huguenot past and the history of the Camisards.
With its numerous documents and authentic objects, it is the largest and richest museum of Protestant history. It celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2011.

By visiting the Desert Museum, you explore the period of the "Desert" (1685-1787) from the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes to the Edict of Toleration. You will learn about the daily life of the Huguenots living in hiding and relive their long march towards freedom of conscience until the revolution.
You will also understand the evolution of Protestantism, from its birth with the Reformation in 1517, until today.

The Musée du Désert is also the starting point of the international path "In the footsteps of the Huguenots", a cultural route of the Council of Europe since 2013.
Opening day(s)

From Sunday 15 September to Saturday 30 November 2024

Every day

From Sunday 01 to Tuesday 31 December 2024

Every day

On reservation

Exceptionally closed : Wednesday 25 December 2024


01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024
Reduced price5.00€
Child4.00€5.00€gratuit pour les moins de 10 ans
Large family18.00€
Group adults5.00€groupe à partir de 20 personnes
Group children4.00€de 6 à 18 ans groupe à partir de 20 personnes
Desert Museum
Le Mas Soubeyran
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Musée du désert
Le Mas Soubeyran
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 44.095652
Longitude : 3.957169